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What days & times do you work?

Our hours & days are based on a Monday-Friday schedule, from 9am to 5pm EST. We also have the option to upgrade to include weekends and/or 12 hour shifts. It all depends on the needs of your business.

How does Setup work?

We will provide you a Phone number and a Forwarding Email. You plug those in to your VoIP & email provider systems, and we cover those lines of communications. SMS & Webchats may require more integration.

How can we communicate?

We offer one managed communication channel, typically through Slack, where we will keep you informed of events that arise outside of our abilities. Otherwise, it's a safe bet that if you've assigned us to work, that we've taken care of it.

What if I need to cancel?

You are able to cancel your plans at ANY time convenient for you. At that time, the plans will stop refreshing until you renew again. There are no long term commitments.

Who am I working with?

We have a talented team, sourced both globally, and by US. We prioritize US staffing, but recognize top talent can be global as well. We vet our hires thoroughly, and treat/pay them fairly, to ensure you receive only the best coverage for your business.

What about Reports?

Each month we provide reports on the communications we've completed. You can review this easily with our included recordings, transcriptions, and tags to review customer intent/resolution.


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